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Campus Life & Community

A student having fun at Governor's Island.

Housing, Residence Life & Dining Services - (931) 221-7444
The Housing, Residence Life & Dining Services office provides a quality living and 为住在大学宿舍和公寓的学生提供学习环境 system. 住房工作人员负责监督和管理住房 服务,校园食品服务,宿舍设施和教育计划. 员工为人的发展和提高提供了许多机会 relation skills, personal value systems and leadership skills. Living on campus includes 学术和个人支持,便利的位置,公共安全巡逻24/7和 live-in residence hall staff.

住宿学生也可以居住并参加生活和学习社区, which are designed to bridge academics and campus living. Students should check the website to see available communities for the current academic year. For more information, call (931) 221-7444 or visit es.raraherbs.com/housing.

大学住宿政策要求所有年龄小于 不与父母或法定监护人同住的21岁学生必须在学校居住 housing and participate in a University meal plan. All freshmen younger than 21 who 选择住在校外的学生需要填写一份新生住宿申请表并返回 不迟于入住当天提交给住房/住宿生活和餐饮服务.

Student Life & Engagement - (931) 221-7431
The Office of Student Life & Engagement (SLE) strives to connect academic and out-of-class 通过编程和领导力发展创造多元化和 interactive learning community. The department sponsors a multitude of programs such 如家庭周末,返校节,Peaynk周,团结庆祝活动,学生组织 and Leader Awards, as well as diversity and awareness programs. Leadership programs are offered to meet the needs of every student. Students gain resume worthy experiences through involvement and leadership experience. Applications, information, and dates 都在PeayLink上,这是一个学生用来联系学生组织的互动平台, involvement opportunities and events. The office is in the Morgan University Center, Room 211.

SLE为不同经验水平的学生提供领导力发展项目 and interest. Leadership skills are in demand from employers and contribute to the overall development of successful students. SLE staff work with students, departments 以及校园里各种组织的领导力技能培养,沟通技巧, 团队合作和个人发展,并为学生提供了大量的机会 involved. For information, visit es.raraherbs.com/student-life.

Leadership opportunities include:

SLE involvement opportunities include:

Fraternity & Sorority Affairs - (931) 221-6840
Fraternity & 姐妹会事务监督和支持社会兄弟会和姐妹会 在校园推广一种专注于学习成绩、学生参与度、 community service and lifelong friendships. Individual chapters elect officers to 管理组织的日常运作,并协助这些官员 由校友组织通过付费专业人士提供支持、建议和指导 staff and regional volunteers. Each fraternity or sorority is also held accountable 由三个管理委员会之一:国际博爱理事会(IFC),全国泛希腊理事会 Council (NPHC) and College Panhellenic Council (Panhellenic). Financial obligations differ among individual chapters. Financial information is shared during the recruitment process.

365bet has a zero-tolerance hazing policy that is consistent with Tennessee laws regarding hazing. If you have concerns about hazing, please contact the Fraternity & Sorority Affairs office at (931) 221-6840 to make a confidential report.

Student Government Association
学生自治协会(SGA)代表所有学生和学生的声音 学生与教职员工和大学行政部门之间的联系如何. SGA由执行委员会、参议院和学生审裁处(司法)组成 board). 此外,学生由SGA执行委员会推荐服务 on numerous standing University committees.

SGA Senate designates five freshmen to be elected each fall semester. Applications will be available the first day of class at es.raraherbs.com/sga. SGA meets weekly at 4 p.m., Wednesday, in the Morgan University Center, room 307. The first 10 minutes 每一次参议院会议都对任何/所有有顾虑或想要的学生开放 ask SGA to act on a concern.

SGA also sponsors a variety of programs and events held annually. Some of these include:

NCAA Athletics
Let’s Go Peay! Austin Peay Athletics is a huge part of campus life. An NCAA Division 自1963年以来,我一直是俄亥俄山谷会议的计划和成员,奥斯汀皮尔菲尔德 16个大学项目,共获得43个常规赛冠军和26个锦标赛冠军 titles. 所有365bet的学生都可以免费进入所有常规赛 home events with a valid Govs ID. Families are encouraged to follow the Austin Peay 运动员在Facebook、Instagram和Twitter上的社交媒体账户(@LetsGoPeay) the latest information.