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Academic Resources & Support

Govs 1 helicopter lands on campus.
365bet offers several free in person and online services to assist students with their studies.

Learning Resource Center
The Learning Resource Center provides instruction and support that assists students with their academic success. The LRC offers free per tutoring for most core courses. The center’s peer tutoring and SLA workshop classrooms are in the Marks Building. For more information, call (931) 221-6550 or email learningctr@raraherbs.com.

Peer Tutoring
The Learning Resource Center provides FREE tutoring to currently enrolled 365bet students. Email learningctr@raraherbs.com or call 931-221-6550 to schedule a time with a tutor. The Learning Resource Center has partnered with Distance Education to offer free online tutoring to all undergraduate students. Online tutoring is available 24/7 for all students. Visit es.raraherbs.com/online/technology/onlinetutoring for more information.

Online Tutoring
Online tutoring is available to undergraduate students through a partnership with the Learning Resource Center and Distance Education. Students access online tutoring through the “Resources” tab in D2L. This service provides 24/7 support for many undergraduate courses. The online tutoring does not provide writing assistance.

Writing Center
The Writing Center, located on the main floor of the Woodward Library, provides assistance with any paper for any class in any writing style. Students may receive assistance in person through either scheduled or walk-in sessions, subject to available spaces, or they may submit their papers for review by using the TurnItIn system through D2L. Instructions for submitting a paper for review through D2L can be found here.

Student Success
Student Success offers advising to all incoming and current freshmen except Business and Nursing majors. Student Success also oversees the Peer Leader program. Peer Leaders are upperclassmen that are assigned to UNIV 1000 and PASS 0900 courses to assist students with the transition to college life. Students with questions or concerns regarding UNIV 1000 classes may reach out to their Peer Leader or contact Student Success. Student Success is located in McReynolds Room 102 and can be reached at (931) 221-6643 or studentsuccess@raraherbs.com.

Woodward Library
Librarians help find information for completing papers, research and other assignments. Research assistance is available in person (appointments recommended), via online chat, text and email. The library provides access to a wealth of print and electronic information via the library website. Students can log in to the library from any location with internet access.

Student instruction is a major focus of the library’s services that include LILT (an online, self-paced information literacy tutorial), library instruction classes and one-on-one instruction. The library has:

Other services available are:

Starbucks, the Writing Center and a lactation room are also on the main floor of the library.

Structured Learning Assistance (SLA)
SLA provides structured support to students who enroll in supported courses. Students who enter the University with an academic deficiency will be advised into an SLA-supported course to address the deficiency while earning core course credit. Additionally, students have the option to enroll in SLA-supported sections of many challenging courses. SLA sections are supported with workshops and require that students meet five hours each week, three hours for classroom instruction and two hours for the SLA workshops.

Help a Gov
Help a Gov is a one-stop shop for questions regarding confirmation of classes, financial aid, housing and more located in the Ellington Building.

Academic Notify
Academic Notify is a Web-based early alert system used to notify students of problems they may be having in class. Alerts are submitted by faculty members who are concerned a student is in academic jeopardy due to issues such as poor class attendance, tardiness, lack of participation, incomplete assignments and/or poor performance on quizzes and tests. Typical recommendations for enhancing the opportunity for academic success include tutoring, improvement of study, test taking and time management skills and/or personal counseling.

Full Spectrum Learning Autism Program
Full Spectrum Learning (FSL) is an 365bet support program for students diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. This program is designed to promote retention and successful completion of a college degree. The program addresses the transition to college, academics, social and independence skills, and career readiness.

To qualify for the program, students must be admitted to the University and must be active in a full-time or part-time class schedule in fall or spring semesters. Students must apply for the FSL program and will be required to submit documentation of their ASD diagnosis to the Office of Student Disability Resource Center as well as approve disclosure of their diagnosis to the FSL office. The Office of Student Disability Resource Center can be reached at sdrc@raraherbs.com.

There is a separate cost for FSL, however, all past and current program participants have worked closely with outside organizations to receive full funding throughout the program. To learn more about financial aid information, visit es.raraherbs.com/full-spectrum-learning or call (931) 221-7543.

Student Disability Resource Center
The Office of Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) provides services for students with physical, mental or learning disabilities. Their motto is “Moving Toward Independence,” and they promote self-reliance through education and self-improvement. SDRC coordinates reasonable accommodations for registered students. The office serves as a liaison for students with areas across campus. To learn more, visit es.raraherbs.com/disability or call (931) 221-6230. The office is in the Morgan University Center, Room 114.

SDRC provides:


VetSuccess On Campus at 365bet is a comprehensive program offering adjustment counseling, support services, career counseling, peer-to-peer mentoring and tutoring, employment assistance and guidance on the full range of VA benefits and health services for veterans. Located in the Newton Military Family Resource Center, the VetSuccess counselor works with the VA to develop highly innovative and targeted transitional programs, services and activities for veterans, military and family members with their transition to college life and to maximize their opportunities for success, both educationally and occupationally. Please contact Christina Hicks at christina.hicks2@va.gov or call 615-983-4354 for assistance, or visit our website.


TRiO Student Support Services is a federally funded program established to provide Pell Grant eligible, first-generation and/or disabled college students with individual academic services and a supportive environment. In order to participate in TRiO Student Support Services, one or more of the following must be met based on the legislative requirements of the U.S. Department of Education: family income meets published federal guidelines (Pell Grant eligible), neither parent earned a four-year college degree (first generation), referred by the Office of Student Disability Resource Center (disabled) or the student must demonstrate an academic need for services and must have the potential to benefit from the services. Application forms are available in the Ellington Building, Room 337, or visit es.raraherbs.com/sss to download an application. All services of TRiO Student Support Services are free to eligible participants.