
金融援助 & 学生账户

后备役军官训练队的学生被派往美国.S. 军队.

财政援助办公室: Ellington 216 | (931) 221-7907

Financial aid is available in the form of scholarships, grants, loans and federal 工作研究. 大多数联邦和州资助的财政援助项目都是在大学里颁发的 证明有经济需要的基础. 需求被定义为成本之间的差额 of attendance and the expected family contribution (EFC) which is established by the U.S. 国会. 学生通过在线填写FAFSA申请援助 www.fafsa.政府. 每年需要援助的学生都必须提交FAFSA. FAFSA每年开放一次 10月. 1. 我们鼓励学生在一站式上查询他们的经济援助状况. 学生必须达到令人满意的学业进步联邦财政援助. 学生 是否会因为成绩差或出勤率低而失去获得资助的资格. 回顾满意 进度指引载于 www.阿卜苏.edu/financialaid.

To provide parents access to financial records, 学生 must complete the FERPA release 形式在 www.阿卜苏.edu/parents/student-info.

For federal financial aid to pay for courses in the major, minor or other 学位要求, the course must be part of the program of study in the Degree Works system in 万仕达. 美国.S. 教育部要求学生选修符合要求的课程 学位要求. 学生与他们的学术顾问交谈是很重要的 确保他们参加了学位所需的课程. 的信息, 访问 www.阿卜苏.edu/cpos.

The federal 政府ernment randomly selects about 30% of all financial aid application 数据验证文件. 学生的经济援助不能最终确定,直到 已收到所有验证文件.

我看 is the estimated expenses to attend the University including tuition, fees, housing, meals, average loan fees (for 学生 receiving a Federal 直接 Loan), etc. 我看 is the 学生 budget for financial aid and is the maximum amount of aid that may 接收. 经济援助奖是基于我看和学生的总援助 包不能超过它们的我看.



Student loans are necessary for many 学生 who cannot meet the cost of school without 他们. Even so, it is important to make intentional and wise decisions and only borrow 需要什么?. 学生应该计划只借必要的东西. 一个优秀的 用于跟踪贷款余额的资源是 www.studentaid.政府. The repayment calculator shows 学生 what to expect about payments after graduation.

Completing the FAFSA is the only way to apply for HOPE and must be submitted each 一年. Eligibility will be reviewed by the institution at the end of the semester in which the student has attempted a total of 24, 48, 72, 96 and any subsequent multiples 之后的24个学期. 学生必须连续在符合条件的学校注册 postsecondary institution in the fall and spring semesters and maintain satisfactory 学术的进步. 彩票奖学金获得者必须获得预先批准才能跳过 学期(不包括夏季学期).

365bet is one of only two four-一年 state universities where 学生 can take advantage 田纳西承诺奖学金. 学生必须完成田纳西承诺 application and service hours and be determined eligible for the program (please refer 到TSAC田纳西州承诺清单). 虽然田纳西承诺奖学金是 considered a last-dollar scholarship, it does not pay last dollar when utilized at 四年制大学. 奖学金只适用于普通的州立社区大学 costs of tuition and mandatory fees not met by gift aid from the Pell, TELS (including HOPE奖学金、Access Grant、Aspire奖学金等.)或TSAA项目.

To use this scholarship, the student will need to enroll in one of the associate degree 项目提供的. 大学研究 is an associate degree in which the student takes core courses 和选修课. 这个学位将成为大多数四年制学位课程的基础. 以下 提供的副学士学位课程列表:


退伍军人教育福利办公室: Ellington 202 | (931) 221-7760

Veterans Affairs assists active-duty service members, veterans, reservists, Guardsmen 以及患有美国流感的家庭成员.S. 退伍军人事务部的教育福利和 他们获得的服务. 如果你的学生正在使用退伍军人福利,他们可能会联系 的办公室 http://es.raraherbs.com/mva/veterans-education-benefits 或致电(931)221-7760.

学生帐户服务 & 出纳员的窗口:艾灵顿| (931)221-6285

学生帐户服务 assesses and collects student fees, provides student fee information and general payment guidelines and disburses excess financial aid to 学生. If 学生 preregister, the bill is electronically sent to their AP email address 大约在第一天上课前六到八周. 付款 semester is due by the date shown on the bill (usually the first week of August for 秋季和春季的第一个星期). 逾期未交学费的 date, classes will be dropped, 学生 have to re-register for classes and a $50 滞纳金将被评估. 重新注册时,被删除的类并不总是可用的. 学费声明的副本可在一站式获得.

Charges on the bill remain the student’s obligation unless they properly withdraw 来自大学. 如果学生在第一天上课前退课,他们会退的 不承担学费责任. 第一天结束后,由学生负责 费用按照退款计划收取. 不上课不能减轻负担 学生从他们的经济义务或有权向他们退款. 学生 who have confirmed their registration must withdraw officially 来自大学 如果他们决定不参加. 退学由书记官长办公室处理 电话:(931)221-7121或网上 www.阿卜苏.edu/registrar. 看到 www.阿卜苏.edu/student-account-services 重要日期. 对大学收费决定提出上诉,请访问 www.阿卜苏.edu/appeals.

Payments may be made online via 万仕达 or in person at the cashiers’ windows in Ellington 从8点开始.m.-4:30 p.m.星期一至星期五. 支票/汇票应以付款方式支付 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学. 要列出学生的姓名和A-Number 在任何支票,汇票或信件上. 

分期付款计划 在秋季和春季学期都有吗. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.阿卜苏.edu/student-account-services.

船级确认是必要的 为了防止逃课. 确认意味着支付学费 使用经济援助或自费. 即使学生的账户显示 一个“0”或信用余额,他们仍然必须确认类别. 学生可确认 通过登录“一站通”来上课. 每学期必须确认课程.

If the student will be receiving a refund from financial aid (Pell, TSACC, Hope Lottery, federal student loans and scholarships) they can set up direct deposit online. 直接 deposit must be completed once and remains good until the student graduates or changes 银行信息. 学生们应该在一开始就检查他们的银行信息 来验证每一项的正确性. 如果账户变更,直接存款将会延迟 并且没有更新.

The student can set their parent as an authorized user for financial information through 学生帐户服务. 学生必须登入“一站通”或“自助服务”,选择 the Student tab, select Student Account and then select View Statements, Update Profile 和添加/更新授权用户. 他们将被引导到一个安全的地点. 一个授权 user can make payments and has access to the details of the student’s account activity. Because of federal regulations on the right to privacy, the student is the only one 谁可以设置授权用户. 家长可能不会收到有关其子女的信息 除非有FERPA发布的文件,否则不能通过电话申请学生的账户. 信息 如何填写此表格,可在注册主任网页查阅 http://www.阿卜苏.edu/registrar/resources/FERPAStudentInstructions.pdf.

The most common discounts are for dependents of public school teachers and state employees, 退休的国家雇员和退休的学校教师. 如果你有资格 折扣,表格必须在晚登记的最后一天提交. 学生接收 financial aid deferments must turn discount forms in to the cashiers’ window by the 逾期登记的最后一天. 每学期都需要一份新表格. 费用折扣 程序不具有追溯力.

学生 who have a credit on their account, have confirmed their classes, have signed their Title IV authorization forms and have a valid student Govs ID will have the option to charge books and supplies at the campus bookstore during a specific time. 查看校历上的日期. 标题四的表格包括在学生的 经济援助包. 问题应直接向学生经济援助办公室提出 at (931) 221-7907.