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Welcome to Austin Peay’s Graduate Programs!

Starting a graduate program is an exciting step in anyone’s life. People who have earned graduate degrees tend to net more money, tend to have greater job security, and tend to have more opportunities! Think where you want to be in about five or ten years and now see how a graduate degree will get you closer. Also, think back a couple years and ask yourself, “what if I had started my graduate program sooner, where would I be now?” Now, it doesn’t do you any good to regret the past, but it does inform you about your future, so start now!

Is graduate school hard? My own MS experiences were more enjoyable than my undergraduate degree! I took only those courses that interested me and my classes occurred at reasonable times in the day to fit my adult life. This is even easier to do today because of all the online options. In fact, many, if not most, classes may be taken online for many of the graduate programs!

As with any journey, the first step is often the hardest. How about you contact us and have a chat with a graduate coordinator who is also a professor for your graduate program. Ask those questions that are most important to you. I am confident that our faculty are not trying to sell anything to you. The 365bet faculty sincerely want what is best for your life and they will give you their honest and professional opinions. On behalf of the 365bet family, I wish you the very best and I hope that we get to share in your journey at Austin Peay.

Best wishes, 

Dr. Chad Brooks
Associate Provost for Research and
Dean of the College of Graduate Studies
Professor of Biology
Office: 931-221-7415